Speaker: Svetlana Berdyugina,
Institute for Astronomy & Kiepenheuer Institut für Sonnenphysik
Title: Global Warming as a Marker of Earth-like Extrasolar Civilizations
Earth-like civilizations generate heat from the energy that they utilize.
The thermal radiation from this heat can be a thermodynamic marker for
civilizations. Here we model such planetary radiation on Earth-like
planets and propose a strategy for detecting such an alien unintentional
thermodynamic electromagnetic biomarker. We show that astronomical
infrared civilization biomarkers may be detected within an interestingly
large cosmic volume using a 70m-class or larger telescope. In particular,
the Colossus telescope with achievable coronagraphic and adaptive optics
performance, may reveal Earth-like civilizations from visible and IR
photometry timeseries’ taken during an exoplanetary orbit period. The
detection of an alien heat signature will have far-ranging implications,
but even a null result, given 70m aperture sensitivity, could also have
broad social implications.
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