The weekly astrobiology seminar features speakers from astronomy, earth science, and biology who share their research with an equally diverse audience.
Upcoming Astrobiology Seminars
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Past Seminars
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- Thank you for presenting in our seminar!
- The talks are scheduled for 45 minutes, followed by questions.
- The audience is exceptionally diverse, and it is good to begin with a basic introduction and speak at a level intelligible to graduate students in any field of science.
- Please send a title and an abstract.
- The seminar room is equipped with an LCD projector, which can be connected to our seminar room computer or to your laptop.
- We use Zoom to broadcast the seminar to off-island attendees. We can load the presentation onto a dedicated presenting computer that runs Microsoft Windows, with Powerpoint 2007, or you can download the free Zoom App and present from your own computer. Please bring a VGA adapter.
- Graduate students in any field of science can enroll in Astronomy 740 to receive 1 credit.
- A small assignment will be due at the end of the semester. Details will be made available to students.