Scientists at Sea – Exploring the deep seafloor
A 12 day mission to explore the biosphere of the sediment-buried basement (part of the ocean crust) on the flanks of the Juan de Fuca Ridge system, over 2.5 miles below the ocean surface.
A 12 day mission to explore the biosphere of the sediment-buried basement (part of the ocean crust) on the flanks of the Juan de Fuca Ridge system, over 2.5 miles below the ocean surface.
During the Spring 2006 semester, the UHNAI funded a graduate student field trip to the late Precambrian rocks and fossils around Death Valley. The participants were part of a scientific writing seminar offered by Profs. Eric Gaidos and Steven Stanley of the UH Department of Geology and Geophysics. The objective of the seminar was to... Read more »
An expedition to obtain and test water samples from the Western Skaftakatlar subglacial lake, which lies beneath the 400 meter-thick Vatnajokull ice sheet in Iceland.